After learning she was expecting their fourth child, Jennifer’s husband Adam abruptly left, leaving the single mother of four small children in a challenging circumstance. Another infant to tend to? Not at all!

His final words as he left their trailer and filed for divorce were, “I’ve had enough!” Devastated, Jennifer found it difficult to provide for her family without Adam’s assistance, particularly given their preexisting financial difficulties. After the divorce, Adam ceased to provide any financial assistance, stating that his lack of a college degree prevented him from finding employment. Jennifer felt she needed to get a job since her husband was desperate to support his kids. When she applied for jobs, she had been turned down time and time again; the reason given by companies was that it was hard to hire a mother with little children. Unfazed, she continued looking for work in a nearby town, paying neighbors to watch her kids while she spent what little money she had on taxis. When she discovered a position as a maid at a nearby hotel, her perseverance paid off. She was employed right away by an HR manager who was keen to fill roles before the summer season. Jennifer went home to tell her kids the good news after she was ecstatic to have gotten the job. But the daily taxi fare soon got too expensive, and she started thinking about getting a car.